
Cheat Your Way To A Playstation Win

Cheat codes are widely used in many playstation games. It was first used in the video game Atari, after which its use has been widespread since.

Though cheat codes are basically used for cheating, there are those serious playstation gamers that refuse to use them. However, developers and creators made use of cheat codes to be able to test play the various aspects of playstation games.

Cheat codes in different mediums

Cheat codes are entered differently in a variety of mediums. On the consoles of video games, cheat codes are entered as button press sequences. Meanwhile, on computers, cheat codes are entered as texts. Cheat codes could also be entered with the use of a mouse.

Infamous cheat codes

One of the more popular cheat codes were those of Konami where one is to press two ups, down, another down, a left, a right button, and again another left and right, the B button then the A button and then Start.

The game Gradius was the first to use this cheat code and is also used dominantly in the Contra video game.

Another famous cheat code is the Genesis Sega Mortal Combat version where one is to press A, then B then A again, then C, then another A and two B’s.

What followed then was a fatality and a full game of blood, and probably also a win.

Cheats for the Tomb Raider game part three

For a more fun adventure and if you want to cheat your way to an enjoyable win, the following are cheat codes for Lara Croft.

In order to acquire all the cheat code secrets, press quickly press L2 five times, then R2, then L2 three times, then R2, then L2, then R2 then L2 two times, then R2, then L2 two times, then R2, then L2 two times during a particular game.

If you find Lara Croft saying “aahh” the above code is therefore entered correctly.

Meanwhile, in order to acquire all the medical kits, weapons, crystals and flares, press L2, then R2 two times, then L2 four times, then R2, then L2, then R2 two times, then L2, then R2 two times, then L2 two times, then R2, then L2 two times, then R2.

Lara Croft will then scream if the codes are correctly entered.

All in all, cheat codes are fun only if used in moderation. After all, if cheat codes are used every time, where is the fun in that?


Buy a Nintendo Wii

It was called “Nintendo Revolution.” Nintendo Wii is the Nintendo Version that plays NTSC and encodes any disc format. With its cool look, the latest Japanese console is made of top-notch materials and comes with a compact, witty design.

Nintendo has taken on the approach of improving its entire system and not just taking from what their competition released. The Nintendo Wii controller that is special-motion sensitive.

The difference is that you can punch, drive or strike a sword by turning your wrist instead of pushing the button.

Its size is three DVD cases piled atop another. It is available in a silver stand, enabling the system to be displayed horizontally or vertically.

If you have been a Nintendo fan over the years, this console can play games compatible with the Nintendo GameCube. It can also download fan-favorite titles from the past 20 years for Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

The Wii costs at around $250. This rate is cheaper than the Microsoft Xbox 360 and way cheaper than Sony PlayStation 3. The packaging of the Nintendo Wii includes a sports game that is quite addictive. That alone will let you feel first-hand what the system’s controller is all about.

In recent news, Nintendo Wii has outsold Sony’s PlayStation 3. Both components were released toward the end of the year (the former was available mid-November while the latter in mid-December).

There was a speculation that PlayStation 3 will be the best-selling game console all over the world. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Nintendo has managed to ship 4 million Wii’s worldwide on December 31. That is twice the number of PlayStation 3's promised to deliver. As 2006 closed down, Nintendo had already sold 600,000 Wii eight days after it debuted on November 19.

It could be the price. Nintendo Wii can be purchased at $250 whereas a Sony PlayStation 3 costs $600.

If all these have sparked your interest, you can buy Nintendo Wii in your local stores. You can also buy them online – www.amazon.com and www.bestbuy.com. You can compare prices from one store to another. Some sell them cheaper than the standard price.

However anyway you decide to get it, seems like Nintendo has managed to do well with this system.


Accessorize Your XBox

Just like a car, Microsoft XBox consoles also have accessories. If you search for it online, there is an additional tax for shipping and delivery rate. You can get your Xbox accessories on www.amazon.com or even on www.ebay.com.

However, the XBox enthusiasts get theirs at toy stores. Besides, it is cheaper. Here is a list of the available accessories for the Microsoft XBox.

1. XBox Controllers

These are standard accessories, meaning they are made available when you buy the system. But some gamers tened to overuse their controller that they soon need a new one.

It is interesting to note that there is an array of XBox controllers available on the market. Like there are wireless controllers, XBox Eclipse controller, XBox Afterglow controller and so much more. It is all up to the gamer which one to get.

2. XBox Arcade Sticks

There are some games available for the XBox that can be controlled by arcade sticks for better game play. As opposed to the controller, arcade sticks can allow the gamers to flick their wrists more, therefore, there’s better control.

Best example where the XBox Arcade Sticks are compatible are the fighting games for the console.

3. XBox Steering Wheels

If there are fighting games, there are also driving games. Thanks to XBox Steering Wheels, the gamer can sit right in front of the TV set and drive away.

4. XBox Memory Cards

Memory cards aren't included when you buy an XBox console. This is because it isn't an essential accessory since the XBox has an 8 GB harddisk build-in. This can let the player save all his game information.

An XBox memory card is used when transferring a saved game from one XBox console to another. Some serious gamers also prefer that they back up their games, especially when it is a valued endeavor.

XBox memory cards are perfect for hardcore gamers. It is inserted in the console and plugged into the sockets on its two memory card slots.

5. XBox Headset with Communicator

The most successful game in the entire XBox franchise is “Halo”. Released in 2004, it is still as popular as ever. A headset with a communicator lets the gamer interact with the other players of “Halo” making it more real.

Playstation's Most Popular Games

The Sony Playstation is popular for a lot of reasons, but it's due mainly to its games. Pump up your gaming collection with these recommendations:

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition

Where would we be without Lara? The tough chick with the brains to match is back and while she's had work done, nobody's complaining. Lara's original look is on display with her navy unitard and twin pistol holsters but her movements (and that of her animal foes) are more fluid. Expect more sounds and musical score on the new game than on the original.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

One of the best RPG/action game experiences in Playstation, this has all your Marvel superheroes in one game. Play Capt. America or Wolverine or spin webs against your enemies as Spiderman. Your game will determine the destiny of planet earth and have positive or negative effects on the Marvel universe. Build a team and work together, complete with your own team name, logo and even superhero vehicle. If you've always wanted to be a superhero, add this game to your collection.

Final Fantasy VII

For surreal, intense and utterly beautiful visuals, Final Fantasy is it. And the game isn’t too shabby either. The storyline is complex and you play the game as Cloud Strife, ex-soldier, now-terrorist fighting against the evil Shinra Corp. You won't get the plot right away (nobody said FF VII played like a bad B movie), but you'll enjoy its unraveling as you go along. Learn magic, explore dungeons, recruit other fighters to your side. If the story doesn’t hypnotize you, the graphics surely will.

Kingdom Hearts

For the child in you that never left the building, Kingdom Hearts lets you follow Sora as he tries to find out whatever happened to King Mickey, who's gone missing. Join forces with Capt. Goofy and Court Wizard Donald in a beautiful but precarious world that only Disney can create. Get to meet familiar heroes like Tarzan, Hercules and a host of other leading Disney characters and villains.

Call of Duty 3

Intense fighting still your top choice? Call of duty lets you get in on the action and experience fierce combat for the Liberation of Paris, one of the most difficult and bloody war campaigns during WWII. The story narrative is smooth so you never get lost and the action is breathtaking. Join the Allied forces as they strive to survive the Normandy Breakout.

Guitar Hero

Tired of all the fighting? Cater to your musical genius and play guitar with a Gibson Flying SG-shaped controller. Simulate the greatest guitar riffs from songs by artists such as David Bowie, Audioslave, the Ramones and Red Hot Chili Peppers.


How To Save Money When Buying a Playstation

When it comes to game consoles, people are willing to wait in long queues that normally come every time a new console is being launched. But nothing about game consoles could hurt people more than the high prices that these devices are sold for, not to mention the astronomical amounts for which compulsory game console peripherals are offered on the market.

Take the case of Sony's Playstation. Playstation is a series of game consoles that has captured the fantasies of gamers worldwide. Its first model launched in the 1990's was the first game console to ever reach the mark of 100 million in units sold, making it one of the most successful game consoles of all times. Its latest version, the Playstation 3, or PS3 as it is more commonly referred to, could fetch more than $400 depending on the package or gigabytes that a unit comes with.

But while Playstation has made and will continue to make a gamer's life more interesting, it can certainly hurt anybody's wallet. Fortunately, there are ways to cutback on your Playstation shopping spree. You will only need patience and willingness to look for better and cheaper deals. Here are two effective strategies that can save you money when buying your Playstation.

The first and the most important thing to consider in buying your Playstation is the repetitive nature of the game console industry. Playstation and other game consoles on the market tend to be more expensive during and a few weeks after their launch dates. After all the hype has cleared, you can wait for a few weeks or even months when game console prices normally fall; which could mean savings for you. While this approach may be offensive to faithful gamers, it definitely saves you money and gives you more headway to think about your purchasing decision as more reviews and possible product developments will be made during your waiting period.

Second, buy your Playstation in bundled packages. As you will not only spend for your game console itself but also for other peripherals like CD format games, you might as well be on the lookout for Playstation units being sold with the whole shebang. While at first look, the price of these packages may be higher than unbundled ones, money is still saved from the deal because you won't need to buy components separately. From controllers to memory sticks, a bundled Playstation package is ready for play.

If you can't find any bundled Playstation packages in your area, you can set sights on buying bundled games. While you didn't save on the Playstation unit, you save on the games you play on it. Gaming stores, both online and real world, offer Playstation games with huge discounts on multiple or bundled purchases.


Get A Game Controller That Suits You

With the rise of game consoles such as Play Station 3, Nintendo Wii and XBOX 360, the gaming experience has been taken to the next level. Now, you’ll be able to experience high definition visuals and powerful actions. But your game experience won’t be complete without the right game system controllers.

Game controllers are the input devices. With these game controllers, you can precisely control where your character or machine goes. Every gamer should have a suitable set of game system controllers.

Aside from the gamepads, paddles and joysticks, there are also special game controllers with platforms for specific games. Examples include light guns used for games which involve a lot of shooting and steering wheels for games with driving.

The most common type of game controller is the gamepad which can consist of a few buttons to even a dozen. It also has several omnidirectional sticks. With so many buttons and control sticks, the player can control the game hero more precisely and easily. Gamepads also allow movement in three dimensions.

Gamepads are held in both hands, using the thumbs to provide input. The right side of the gamepad contains the action buttons while the left side has the direction controller. This setup, however, is somewhat unfriendly to those who are left handed.

Modern gamepads also boast of internal motors which provide force feedbacks whenever you are playing action packed games. There are also buttons, which are called shoulder buttons, strategically placed on the edges of the gamepads. The good thing about these gamepads is that most game consoles and video games support gamepads.

An older type of controller is the paddle controllers. They feature a few fire buttons and a single round wheel. This wheel is primarily used to control the game hero’s movement on one axis in the video screen. When the paddle and ball kinds of games lost their popularity, these analog controllers also died out.

The steering wheel can be considered as a larger version of the paddle controller. The steering wheel is typically used for driving or racing simulations. Most of the steering wheel controllers also have an internal motor which provides force feedback. This allows a gamer to experience the realism of driving a car.

The light gun controller is limited to shooting games. They are used to shoot the targets on the screen. Most game systems have specific light guns for use in their games.

These game controllers are vital in giving you the kind of experience you want when you’re playing your favorite videogames.


A Quick Guide to Online Gaming Forums

Anything that affects a large chunk of the world population almost always gives way to a support group with members ready to share tips, discuss problems, make friends, and simply hang out together where their primary concern – or passion – in life is also the focal interest of the group. And that’s what an online gaming forum basically is: a support group made by, for, and of online gamers.

Why Online Gaming Forums Are Made

Founding or organizing members behind online gaming forums have certain reasons or goals for creating an online center for people that share their interest, and these reasons can also be seen as benefits of joining online gaming forums.

(Live) Information Exchange – Although there are various websites which you can find online providing the information you seek about a particular online game, you’ll find more detailed information in online gaming forums. You can also ask additional questions pertaining to the topic and expect almost instant replies from other members who are online as well.

Reliving the Moment – Say, for instance, you’re a booklover. Don’t you find it incredibly pleasant to discuss old and new favorites, talking about the scenes that you loved most, the characters that you can’t get enough of, plots that still haven’t failed in boggling your minds, and endings that you absolutely hated? That’s just another thing that you can do in online gaming forums: talk about your favorite online gaming moments – even if it’s just something as simple as winning the jackpot at the craps table – and know that the people you’re talking to won’t feel exasperated. Why would they when they feel exactly the same as you do about online gaming?

New Friends and Companions – An online gaming forum is also the best place you can go to if you wish to meet new friends who share similar interests with you – in this case, that would be online gaming. People you meet in forums is usually an interesting mix with members coming from all parts of the world, and all walks of life.

Other Perks and Privileges – Registering membership in an online gaming forum can gain you access to exclusive features of the forum, and occasionally receive bonus perks and privileges of all sorts that can only enrich your online gaming experience.

If and when you do join an online gaming forum, however, make sure that you carefully read the terms and conditions of membership before signing up. Secondly, always treat other members with courtesy and respect. Have fun at your new virtual chill out place!


Manner chooses good Laptops and as according to your need

When you want to buy Laptop,of course there are many matters that necessary thought to be your consideration. You don’t just see its brand. Every Laptop has whatever its brand has same strong and the stubborn. Even famous laptops oftentimes also can be broken and there are so much problems from its too. But all decisions must be seen from need and your estimation to what end its use with a purpose to you so you can has a Laptop with highest specification and special price.

Follow tips and our suggestions:

  1. Will ascertain for what Laptop this worn job and application everything that at will wear so that you can prepare its estimation, why shall i say this, because later you will very wise to determine appropriate choice with estimation and limit choice as according to your need with the exception if you have many funds may choose Laptop with specification higher.
  2. Choose Laptop with guarantee time at longest and see everything at guarantee in the first year. Second and further read all regulations that written at guarantee card and choose that has place service it is many doesn’t mean many places service mean a lot broken but exactly they are ready for serve you and make you easy to repair and consultation all problem you remembered. Laptop’s thing often loyal accompany you where do you go, at your job even if you often going out from city and or going out from country so that all problems don’t harry your job.
  3. Processor and memory of vital importance must be balanced with operation systems and every application that you will wear… because if processor it is fast but memory it is little or on the contrary very must not subsidize for work systems from laptop itself so must be balance… For example you want Laptop based on Celeron, Intel Core Duo, Core2Duo or even AMD if its operation systems is Windows XP, minimal you have to wear with memory begin from 512 Mb and at the most 1,5 Gb because besides also uneven… otherwise its operation systems has worn Windows Vista you may wear memory 2 Gb more and also depending from software application at wear. if you wish for your furthermore explanation is free consulting with us about Laptop here.

So my wish is you will not wrong in takes a decision to buy laptop like what most appropriate with need and your hope will fulfilled very wisely… and i congratulate to shop your satisfaction is a appreciation.

by: Frans de Rozari

Start Playing Games Online

Games have never been intended to be played alone. Who enjoys playing all by themselves? Even the most primitive of all games were designed to be played by two or more players. A game is a lot more enjoyable when played by several people.

Probably the most popular games nowadays are video games. Kids of all ages will surely enjoy a good round of video games. The most detailed simulation of action packed adventures is available for everyone to experience. In the world of video games, every kid gets to be their own heroes.

Another thing that’s so amazing with video games is that you only need a network adapter and you can play with several other gamers. Other players don’t have to be in the same room as you are, in fact, they could even be thousands of miles away from you. There’s actually an online community where gamers like you could meet friends and conquer rivals.

To enter a mutiplayer game online, just hook up your system to the internet. Then, you need to access a multiplayer game arena and register. Most systems will require you to set your own profile. Choose something that can approximately the kind of gamer that you are.

Online play also allows you to chat with other players. They also have features that allow you to voice chat. As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can rely that you’ll be getting the best game experience possible. It won’t be anything like the ones that you play in the arcades in the malls. The visuals and sound effects will be beyond comparison.

The online gaming community can even be customized to suit your preferences. Most online game systems have the capability to match you up with other players that share your expertise. You won’t have to worry about playing against an expert if you’re still a beginner.

After you connect, you can start playing your game of choice. Sometimes, you may have to download something, but it won't be much. Online gaming is made more convenient for every gamer.

Modern technology has really paved a way for a different kind of community where you can play all the games you like. It’s like a whole new virtual community where you get to be your own hero. And what could be better than enjoying the game at your own house?